Environmental Control Vest (ECV)


Protects the individual aircrew member from heat or cold stress injuries in any environment.


The Environmental Control Vest (ECV) provides a personal heating or cooling capability to personnel operating ground and aviation assets. It is a lightweight self-contained vapor-compression system with separate resistive heating elements that circulates cool or warm fluid through a tube-lined garment.

It also provides heat stress relief when connected to a closed-loop, liquid-circulating Lightweight Environmental Control System (LWECS) or Air Warrior Microclimate Cooling Unit (MCU). Flexible, small-diameter tubing is affixed to the garment material through which a chilled coolant is pumped, providing the cooling effect.

The Liquid Pass-Through (LPT) is the interface between ECV and a Lightweight Immersion Suit for Aviation (LISA), allowing coolant to pass through to the ECV without compromising the LISA. The system is used by mounted personnel in U.S. Army rotary-wing aircraft.